Find everything about Camots. (Camots died in January 2017)
Hi, my name is Camots and I rule! I am a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, born 06.May 2008 and I have beautiful ears, they are very special 😉 Also, my coat, nature and teeth are very much like the ones of my wolf ancestors – unfortunately not my stomach, this is why I am picky with what I eat! I enjoy sleeping for 18 hours per day and being challenged the rest of the day`s time: ideally with searching my Kong in the forest, going after it in “Extreme Enduro” fashion – no obstacle can stop me. Sometimes I am putting on my harness and pull the skateboard with my buddy volk on it (the lazy bugger…). My favorite place is the car and it is purposefully labeled “My ride” since it gets me from A to B over the longer distances. It is also my living room, since I do not like to be left home alone. Volk bought this cage for me and placed it in front of our house under the old carport – but this is ridiculous, no way! But when volk has things to do, I don`t mind hanging in the car, which is cool, since I can watch the world go by through the window. It reminds me, that I am a true World-Traveller (for business of course…) – since I have already been in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Hungary and Romania! The few times I am at home at night, I watch TV, preferably shows with dogs in them – these get me totally excited! Ok, gotta go, I am off to work! (chasing the Kong…) More later! C ya
Some Photos – Hunter
/in Dog, Uncategorized /by Air7This is Hunter, my baby and best buddy. The Photos:
“Typisch TWH” – und doch Riesen Unterschiede von Fall zu Fall
/in Dog /by Air7Meeting wolfes
/in Dog, News /by Air7Three weeks update – Hunti
/in Dog, ONE, Uncategorized /by Air7Hunti is with me now. The Beginning.
/in Dog, ONE, Uncategorized /by Air7Read more
/in Dog /by Air7How WOLVES can co-operate with humans just like dogs
Fare well, my friend Camots.
/in Dog /by Air7Yesterday was the day I buried Camots. I found him a beautiful place on a hill in a fresh planted forest – and since he loved dirtbikes so much close to a Motocross track.
/in Dog /by Air7You had the purest soul, the biggest heart, the coolest outfit and were always up for creating some trouble. We will miss you and never forget – and hopefully we will meet again.
Off to the South…
/in Dog, Uncategorized /by Air7Camots – beginnings
/in Dog, Uncategorized /by Air7It all started, when I passed an animal shelter on a beautiful day of motorbike riding in February…The place is located on a hill overseeing a beautiful valley with a river – so I thought I might as well take a break and say hi to few imprisoned puppies.
Hi, I am CAMOTS!
/in Dog, Uncategorized /by Air7Hi, my name is Camots and I rule! I am a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, born 06.May 2008 and I have beautiful ears, they are very special 😉